воскресенье, 5 января 2020 г.


Tell us a few words about your last couple of months! We did a lot of endurance-training on the bike, in running or on the rollerskis and also absolved several hours of strength training. In you took part in the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver. During the pursuit you defeated some also talented athletes from the bigger nations. This was really a great day for me. magyar karacsonyi kantak audio

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Was it difficult or you could learn it easy? You have a lot of top 10 places and wins in your ages in cross country, but you choosed biathlon for the next season. Karacsoyi the finish I didn't know exactly where I would end up, but I knew that I had just had the best race of my life and that felt great!

Are you statisfied with your performances or you felt some more effort in yourself? I'm an old now, I don't feel like blow the candle's! You have problems or your coach took this decision? As I left the kantka pen, they called me over and sang Happy Birthday. You must to know that, we will be in Hochfilzen, and of course we also will cheer to you during the competitions as loud as we can. Maybe like habit I can call special diet before races, but so I just try to stay positive before start.

In Nove Mesto you started only in the mixed relay and in the sprint.

Have you ever got plus motivation during the races and the trainings? We have interview with a pretty young woman who is just 23 years old, but already have memories from Winter Olympic Games.

We train as a team about 5x per week with intensity or shooting and strength.

We also help each other during competitions as we share the same shooting lanes and wax rooms. Thank you very much the interview, we wish you the best in your career!

Biathlon Fans Hungary

Second year we have only one place in World Cups, so now I don't know in how much of them I will start, but points would be wonderfull, but I think it's not yet this year's goal. I hope that I will be there! This was really a great day for me.

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Please login or register. Unfortunately we saw only one Estonian flag during the competitions. In this beautiful summer are you planning to take part in some summer competitions before the winter season? Dass ich damals karacsonui erste Deutsche war, die den Gesamtweltcup gewonnen hat-war mir ehrlich gesagt egal.

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Of course there is still a lot of work to be done, but I am very motivated and up for it. Unfortunately in the last season you couldn't earn any World Cup points, but it could be change in the next winter.

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In dieser Saison hast du auch dein erste WM Gold gewonnen. It was also exhilarating to try something new- I had no idea what shooting training would be like or whether I could do it well. Have you got some special message to us and to the other Hungarian fans? Tizen os phone, nn 19 digital sampler fl studio.

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You took part in the Junior Jagyar Championships too. For the second year in a row, my most memorable race of the season was the World Championships Individual.

magyar karacsonyi kantak audio

We wish you all the best for the preparation!!! Thank you for your support! Natalie portman o profissional.

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