воскресенье, 5 января 2020 г.


This template is compatible with all modern browsers and works with all modern plugins and frameworks including Bootstrap, WooCommerce, and Visual Composer etc. Cart No products in cart Total: Several hand-picked color schemes with the ability to create your own color scheme. If the developer has released a new version on his website, then you can tell us about it. JoomShaper - Optima v1. Shaper Optima is an incredible creative Joomla template suitable for small business, corporate, portfolio, online showcase or multipurpose website. It is checked up on working capacity! yootheme finch wordpress

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Shaper Blinker is a creative multipurpose responsive joomla template. A bunch of modules is using to handle yootueme dynamic functionalities like testimonial, team members, services, portfolio, timeline. Demo QuickStart, so making the theme exactly matched the demo preview. JoomShaper - Startup Biz v1. You can login through popular social networks: Ajax basket for JoomShopping.

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Don't know how to make your Joomla! It all allows you to connect with target audience fast and efficiently. ThemeForest Phoxy is a creative theme for professional photographers and it could easily be adapted to other websites: To download You need to login and choose the appropriate club subscription! JoomShaper finhc Minima v1. JoomShaper - Cuisine v1.

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JoomShaper - Optima v1. The template offers many custom options such as different colors, menu variations and background textures.

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It was created for different purposes, not only for small company. Versatility 4 — the most flexible and universal template for Joomla. JoomShaper brings the excellent solution Shaper Maxima for you! Also the template has a functional full-screen slider, the fixed block with buttons for a repost.

Among features that function which allows to install indicators on the image through coordinates is available and to output hints in the form of the dropping-out block. The theme supports version WordPress 4.

Enter your username and password if you are already registered on the site. Complex module of goods for JoomShopping. It is checked up on working capacity! Adaptive, Portfolio, Business, Blogging. JoomShaper - Shooter v1.

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