четверг, 9 января 2020 г.


Access thousands of Jamaican songs, albums, artistes and riddims. Where are you from? Select Genre Dancehall Reggae. Do not close this window, or navigate away from this page Success and not greatness is the deity the world serves, but Uprize recording artiste Penco understands that the latter is within his grasp, and he plans to embrace that greatness with both hands. Born February 22, this artiste is living up to his name Mighty Warrior. ras penco thousand miles away

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Top "Ras Penco" Songs

pencl Ras Penco will be going off on a four week European tour during the summer of that will see him doing a number of gigs in Germany, Holland, Italy, France and England. Hailing from Riversdale, St. Join over 0 registered members and 2. Access thousands of Jamaican songs, albums, artistes and riddims. Do not close this window, or navigate away from this page He went mioes England in where he spent a few months doing several promotional appearances and media interviews.

Select Genre Dancehall Reggae.

ras penco thousand miles away

You need to activate javascript or download a modern browser to have the best experience with jamaicansmusic. Suggest a New Song.

‎Thousand Miles by Ras Penco on Apple Music

He also delivered a well-received performance at the annual Nevada Freedom Festival that wowed a large reggae audience who were enamoured with his mature performance. Catherine, Reinford 'Ras Penco' Woodburn, is one of a new vanguard of upcoming reggae artistes that are ready to take the music into the new millennium. It is his destiny and he seems bent on doing something unprecedented in the world of reggae music in the 21st century.

This sophomore effort firmly established him as one of the artistes who will push the soulful horizons of reggae music well into the 21st century. Reggae music is about motivation and encouragement especially in these difficult times, I just want to provide songs of prayer, of love and unity, you know word, sound and milees he said.

Ras Penco - Thousand miles

Born February 22, this artiste is living up to his name Mighty Warrior. Your Date of Birth DD MMM YYYY DD 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MMM Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec YYYY His songs harkens back to a gentler time, and his breakout hit, Thousand Miles is testament to this, a bonafide reggae classic on which his voice soars masterfully over a compelling track.

The year before that, he performed at Longing for during Curefest on October 14, He then hooked up with Notice Production and Uprize Music who combined to produce his debut album. The album, which will comprise 14 songs written by Ras Penco and assistant writer Wayne Thompson, is expected to be released summer Where are you from? Once he left high school, Ras Penco hooked up with the successful recording outfit, Fifth Element Records and put out his first single "Go for Your Gold".

Success and not greatness is the deity the world serves, but Uprize recording artiste Penco understands that the latter is within his grasp, and he plans to embrace that greatness with both hands.

Riddim Album Buy Back. Ras Penco wants to revive the heartbeat of a generation gone dumb from crippling poverty, broken promises and seemingly endless violence. Remember to activate your account. Enter your email address. Once activated, you may login.

ras penco thousand miles away

He also did a gig at a club in Holland in Select Your Gender Male Female. By clicking "Create milew Free account" you agree to Jamaicansmusic.

Select, Drag and Drop any song here. No Thanks, I'll finish later. He has performed at several other major shows such as All Spice an annual concert held at the Belvedere Sports Complex. Biography read full story.

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