четверг, 2 января 2020 г.


I faced the same error ,This would be definitely related to libthrift By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Please share entire output of the command. But Here is a problem I'm facing with Hive is the table I tried to import which is failed now says the table already exits but it actually not. Please find the log extract here: libthrift-0.9.0.jar

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Hive is running fine Encountered IOException running import job: As Sqoop is adding both HBase and Hive jars to the classpath, only one thrift version can be active and thus the "second" tool usually hive is not working properly. But Here is a problem I'm facing with Hive is the table I tried to import which is failed now says the table already exits but it actually not.

Thanks for your reply. I have Hadoop set up locally in pseudo-distributed fashion. Lithrift-0.9.0.jar share entire output of the command.

Download libthrift-0.9.0.jar file - Jar l

Diddy Diddy 93 3 3 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges. Yes, I have both HBase and Hive set up on my local dev environment. Sign up using Email and Password. Sign up using Facebook.

hadoop - Sqoop Hive exited with status 1 - Stack Overflow

Please find the log extract here: Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Sourav Gulati Sourav Gulati 1, 7 7 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.


Libthrift0.9.0.jar you by any chance installed both HBase and Hive on the box where you're executing Sqoop? Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Thanks a lot again for your massive help! Based on the log it seems that you're hitting following exception: I tried to google for it but found no solution.


There might be permission issue for mysql table or you are missing mysql connector jar in hive lib. Many thanks for your help!

Index of /groups/public/org/apache/thrift/libthrift/

My search revealed the hbase So my feeling is that this has nothing to do with missing mysql driver or insufficient rights to the mysql table. I guess the metastore db files would have already written! I agree with Jarek Jarcec Cecho's answer.


Active 7 months ago. I faced the same error ,This would be definitely libthrift-0.9.jar to libthrift I've seen this issue before when users were using HBase and Hive in "incompatible" versions.

Index of /groups/public/org/apache/thrift/libthrift/0.9.0

How do we handle problem users? Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Sqoop Hive exited with status 1 Ask Question. Then it is fine. Please share entire log output lbthrift-0.9.0.jar with parameter --verbose. Improving the question-asking experience.

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